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  • secure-your-online-transactions

    How to Keep Your Payment Information Secure When Shopping Online

    Shopping online has many advantages: you can compare offerings from multiple retailers in a matter of seconds, and you can make a purchase with a single click. While the convenience makes it an easy way to avoid the hustle and bustle of shopping in stores, it’s important to ensure you’re taking the steps to keep […]

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    Hacker Interactions: Creative Ways They Use to Mask Intentions

    Social engineering can take many forms with the main theme being them fostering trust with you. The intentions behind the hacker interactions are to give the impression they are a person you know or a company you do business with, who can help you with a problem. Once they believe they established trust with you, […]

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    Online Baiting: Common Methods Hackers Use to Steal Your Information

    Hackers understand the key to gaining access to your information is to compel you to action. And they have many effective ways to do this including online baiting–this is where they offer some kind of benefit to you if you download an app, click on a link or open an attachment. How Hackers Employ Online […]

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    What is Social Engineering? Learn How Hackers Change Their Identities

    Social engineering is where hackers try to disguise themselves as someone you know to extract information from you. This could be something as simple as a family member emailing you to ask for money or someone from a bank requesting your password for verification purposes. To help you avoid the crafty techniques hackers employ, here […]

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    How to Keep Your Internet of Things Safe from Hackers

    The ease of accessing technology is such that now you can check sports scores on your refrigerator, communicate with your home’s thermostat from miles away or even turn on your oven remotely with the push of a button. The Internet of things has made it convenient to manage our busy lifestyles, but with them, there’s […]

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    Mobile Websites Can Access Your Phone’s Data Through Its Sensors

    Many smartphones contain sensors that can measure how many steps you take, your oxygen levels, and even your heartbeat. These sensors can also help websites with screen orientation. This is when you tilt your phone sideways and the website changes to match your current layout. However, security researchers recently found that mobile websites are also […]

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    What are Data Brokers? Learning More About Your Digital Shadow

    Information has become an online currency. Your browsing habits, who you interact with, and where you shop become data points companies can use to market to your behaviors. How did they obtain this information? One way is through data brokers. What are Data Brokers? Think of a data broker as an online investigator, who conducts […]

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    Messaging Security: How to Keep My Messages Safe

    Some businesses are becoming more open to having employees work remotely. And because of this, there are plenty of messaging tools available to keep in touch such as Google Hangouts, Slack, and even text messaging. That said, if you’re a remote worker or someone who wants to protect the contents of what they send, then […]

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