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  • Online Backup vs. External Hard Drives – Pros & Cons to Each

    The convenience and simplicity of cloud-based backup can look very attractive to organizations grappling with data redundancy challenges. That said, there are instances where external hard drives can make more sense. To cultivate a safe, effective backup strategy, consider the pros and cons of each storage option. Online Backup Cloud-based backup can be a convenient, […]

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    Myths About Data Recovery

    Data loss can cause extreme panic, especially in people with limited knowledge about the nature of how computers actually store information. Unfortunately, desperation can often lead individuals and organizations to take the wrong steps, resulting in unnecessary costs and irrevocable drive damage. To ensure that you give yourself the best possible chance at a positive […]

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    5 Steps for Keeping Your Data Safe

    Every day, countless gigabytes of data are either lost to hardware failure or compromised by a third-party breech. To ensure that your critical information remains private and intact, learn how to protect it from internal malfunction and external invasion. A Widespread Problem According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), there were at least 110 […]

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    What to Do After Your Computer Crashes

    In the world of computing, few things nurture anxiety like a sudden crash. Thoughts soon turn to the critical data you may have lost and that backup you should have made. In most cases, however, the consequences are never as bad as we expect. Unless you experienced an actual hardware failure – specifically a hard […]

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    10 Pros/Cons of Cloud Data Storage

    Cloud storage offers a number of benefits that have countless companies jumping on board. According to a recent survey of 800 corporate decision makers, high cloud adoption has doubled in the past few years, and the public cloud recovery services market is predicted to surpass $244 billion by 2017. It’s easy to see why so […]

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    What’s the Difference between RAM & Memory?

    When troubleshooting computers, most people casually throw the term “memory” around in relation to slowdowns and lost data. Unfortunately, most people have limited understanding of how a computer actually utilizes its system resources. Before attempting any sort of DIY solution, it pays to know the difference between RAM and memory. To effectively function, computers rely […]

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