How Do I Set Up My New Devices Securely?

It’s thrilling when you upgrade your digital appendage or receive a new device as a gift. Yet, before you go exploring everything that your new device can do, it’s important to secure it on your end that way the data you generate remains yours. Here are some ways to do this.
Secure Your Connections
If you plan to connect your computer, phone or tablet to your home WiFi, it’s ideal to ensure your router is secure. Your router is the funnel where incoming and outgoing traffic resides, making it an immensely valuable target for hackers. If they are able to penetrate the router through man-in-the-middle attacks or other deployment methods, then they can read everything you do online. That’s not good.
Meanwhile, to secure your connection, there are several things you need to do. The first is to make sure your router has the most up to date software installed. To do this, consult your internet service provider or the manufacturer of the router-whoever you receive the router from to see if any updates are available.
Conversely, if you plan to forgo using home WiFi, it’s important to choose the most secure channel available. And while public WiFi is becoming much more secure, it still isn’t a fail-safe option. A better choice is to use your phone’s LTE connection via its hotspot connection, as this allows you to connect multiple devices to the internet securely.
Layer Your Data
We’ve noted before the importance of using virtual private networks since they encrypt your data and keep it away from the prying eyes of hackers. Yet, VPNs are only one line of defense you’ll need. It’s also important to download anti-virus and anti-malware software on to your devices. Some providers include web tools that help you avoid visiting malicious websites as well.

Illustration by Dropbox
Let’s Talk About Passwords
Seemingly, every website wants a login so setting up dozens of different passwords can be a befuddling experience. One “solution” is to use the same or variations of the same password for every login. That said, if a hacker is able to guess one of your passwords, then it’s won’t take them long to access every one of your logins–that’s a frightening prospect.
Instead of scribbling them down or doing mental gymnastics to remember all of them, use a password manager. They’re inexpensive and are easy to use. Most importantly, they create passwords that are harder to crack.
Conduct Device Maintenance Regularly
Every month, it’s a good idea to go through your device, scanning your files, apps, and downloads to make sure everything looks good. At this point, it’s also ideal to remove any apps you no longer use since each app represents a security risk.
Next, inspect your email and social media account activity since these are some of the easier ways hackers break in via social engineering. By doing these inspections regularly, it helps you pinpoint small problems before they manifest into bigger ones.
And if your device loses data for any reason, know you have options. Our team at Outsource Data Recovery will inspect your device and devise solutions based on your needs. When the unthinkable happens, put our expertise to work for you. Contact today to learn how!