Data Security

Network Security: What Are the Risks and How Do I Create a Secure Connection?

We have a PAC-MAN hunger for data. If you use your cell phone often, it becomes integral to having a quick connection to access your apps. That said, not all connections are the same and since we have a growing dependence on online apps, network security becomes a primary focal point. Here’s a closer look at which networks are the best to use to protect your data.

Network Security: Understanding the Risks

It’s important to consider how you connect to the internet since it’s the portal from which your data comes in and out. Think of it as a two-way phone conversation, where if you use an unsecured network, it allows others to listen in on that talk. From there, they could gather all the details about you (personal data) which they could sell on the black market, employ malware attacks and more.

With this risk in mind, it’s important to note network security isn’t the same across the board. To demonstrate, most cell phone providers tout 4G LTE connectivity. This is where your phone can connect to a quick connection through the cellular provider. 

However, 4G LTE isn’t bulletproof in its security. Researchers including Abu Dhabi from New York University discovered vulnerabilities in the 4G LTE protocol that with much effort could result in three different attacks. This includes mapping the identities of the users on the network, which websites they were visiting, and employing an alteration attack where the hacker could redirect traffic, essentially hijacking the connection.

Now it’s important to understand even the researchers noted it would take considerable effort to stage these attacks. At the same time, the vulnerabilities are there to do so.

Then there’s Wi-Fi. Your home’s Wi-Fi could be vulnerable to attacks through lack of updated software on the router, someone hacking into your connection through brute force attacks, and more. Though private Wi-Fi is easily much safer than public, again vulnerabilities exist.

Network Security: How Do I Create a Secure Connection?

The first step is to continue to do updates as they come in on your device. Updates can fix vulnerabilities from your device’s end that make it harder for hackers to access your data.

The same applies to routers. You can check with your internet service provider to see if they have the latest software updates on their router and for any instructions on how to do an update.

In addition, you should have firewall protection in place. This creates another layer of protection that makes it difficult for hackers to penetrate.

You’ll also want to be wary of connecting to an unsecured private network. While this is safe to do if you’re reading the news or checking sports scores, it’s important to note anyone can see what you do through an unsecured connection. Therefore, refrain from checking email, banking, and social media apps while on there.

A large part of keeping your data safe is limiting risk; this is why network security is important. And if your data becomes inaccessible due to malware or ransomware, know the team at Outsource Data Recovery has your back. We have the tools, the experience, and the execution to recover your files in an expedient fashion. Contact us today to learn more.

Sean Jackson

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Sean Jackson

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